Dwarves of Karak Ir

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The Dwarves (Dwarfs) of Karak Ir are a clan of Dwarves I created for, the now defunct, game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

You can see a gallery of the miniatures in my army on my photos site: steamPhotos.

The primary colors for the army are

Old Citadel 2 New Citadel 1 Vallejo Game Color 3 Reaper 8 Coat D'arms 10 Army Painter 11 Scale 75 13
Goblin Green 61-42 Warboss Green Goblin Green 030 Goblin Green 108 Goblin Green WP1109
Skull White 61-54 White Scar Dead White 001 Pure White 9039 White 101 Matt White WP1102 White Matt
Chaos Black 61-51 Abaddon Black Chaos Black / Black 051 Pure Black 9037 Black 102 Matt Black WP1101
Dwarf Flesh 61-21 Ratskin Flesh Dwarf Skin 041 Rosy Skin 9068 Dwarven Flesh 124 Barbarian Flesh WP1126
Bleached Bone 61-17 Ushabti Bone Bonewhite 034 Yellowed Bone 9143 Bone 112 Skeleton Bone WP1125 Golden Skin Matt
Dwarf Bronze Hashut Copper Bright Bronze 057 Ancient Bronze 9049 Dwarven Bronze 143 Weapon Bronze WP1133
Boltgun Metal 61-57 Leadbelcher Gunmetal / Gunmetal Metal 054 Shadowed Steel 9052 Rat Brown (119) Machinegun Metal WP1221 Petroleum Grey
Vermin Fur Skrag Brown Parasite Brown (042) Chestnut Brown (9071) Gun Metal (142) Mars Orange Matt
Leprous Brown Scrofulous Brown (038) Saffron Sunset (9182) Leprous Brown (156)

The information in this table was derived from this source.

Links to Coat d'Arms matching paints