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See the picture below for a comparison (from left to right) of a new Warrior with new stock head, new Warrior with Bloodreaver head, old Warrior with Bloodreaver head, and old Warrior with old stock head. I left the shields off the old warriors as to not obscure their heads. Sorry about the black undercoat. I didn't think to take this photo until I had undercoated my converted old warriors.<br />
And here is a picture of old & new sculpts painted up together. Some of the old sculpts of new heads, some have original heads. I think they all work well together and, in hind sight, I wouldn't bother trying to get new heads for the old sculpts.
Here are a pics of the 5 Bloodreaver heads and 1 Chariot Champion heads I used for my Chaos Warriors. I replaced the head of the new Chaos Warrior because I wanted him to have his mouth exposed so he could use the Horn in his hand. The other 2 Musician's didn't get that style helmet because I only had 3 and I needed the other 2 for Chaos Knights. Notice that I had to flip some of the horns upsidedown because they were interfering with the Warrior's shoulders. I also had to fill in the back of the helmet with greenstuff and create a neck for the Bloodreaver helms (although I forgot to take a pic of the back of one of their heads).<br />