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##create the target mount folder by running <pre>mkdir /mnt/netfolder</pre>
##Add a line to your fstab file to mount the network share by running <pre>nano /etc/fstab</pre> and adding the following line to the bottom <pre>//net/path/to/netfolder /mnt/netfolder cifs user,credentials=/root/.credentials/my-credentials,iocharset=utf8,noperm 0 0</pre>
##Reload the fstab file by running <pre>mount -a</pre>Now you should be able to see your network share's content on the Host Machine at ''/mnt/netfolder''
##Bind the host directory to the container directory in the container config by running <pre>nano /etc/pve/nodes/hostname/lxc/mycontainer.conf</pre> and adding the following line after '''memory''' and before '''net0''' <pre>mp0: /mnt/netfolder,mp=/mnt/extfolder</pre>
#Restart the client and the network share should be accessible at '''/mnt/extfolder'''
[[Category: Linux]]