
How to build a WILDSTAR4 VHDL project

20 bytes added, 00:35, 30 May 2010
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2.) Check that the correct part type has been selected in synthesis/<pe>/xst/makefile<br /><br />
3.) Ensure that the correct part type is listed in synthesis/<pe>/xst/<project name>.scr. Something like
-p xc4vlx80ff1148-11
<br />
4.) If you have moved your project from the example folder, go follow the instructions in [[How to move a WILDSTAR4 project]]<br /><br />
5.) Open a cygwin bash shell and navigate to synthesis/<pe>/xst<br /><br />
6.) Run the following command to clean the xst folder (this must be done before each successive build)
make new
<br />
7.) Run the following command to synthesize your design
make xst
<br />
8.) Run the following command to run Place & Route, Map, Generate bit files, etc
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NOTE: If you get an error about peutil.exe not being found and no .x86 file is generated you must follow the instructions in [[How to move a WILDSTAR4 project]]. Alternatively you may run peutil.exe directly from the annapolis/wildstar4/bin directory.<br />
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