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Icebear Champion PBZ125-2 Info

388 bytes added, 11:47, 2 May 2021
Notes & Fun Facts
*The Champion has a Wet Clutch and requires T4 Motorcycle Oil
*Bobcat's Motorsports recommends breaking in the engine with Conventional Oil
*There are various recommendations of 10W30, 10W40, & 15W40 weight oils. Any are probably fine. 10W40 4T Conventional Motorcycle Oil during engine break-in and then a 10W40 4T 15W40 Synthetic Motorcycle Diesel Oil is what I'm going with.
*Oil Capacity = 700ml = 24.6oz
*Odometer is Kilometers
*Right hand mirror is reverse threaded
* Factory Tire PSI = 36psi
* The bike has an auto-shutoff feature. If the engine is off, and you leave the key in (in the on position) it will, eventually turn off to conserve battery. You can electric start the bike after turning the key off and back on again.
* The bike has a kick start and the headlight operates direct from the alternator. You can operate the bike with a dead battery (or no battery at all)

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