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How To Batch Letterbox Images with Imagemagick

1,012 bytes added, 13:15, 31 January 2022
Created page with "=Letterboxing= To be able to run the command below you'll need to install a utility called [ ImageMagick]. This command will take an input ima..."
To be able to run the command below you'll need to install a utility called [ ImageMagick].
This command will take an input image and letterbox it into a 4:3 aspect ratio with black borders
<pre>magick INPUT.JPG -set option:wd "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?(4/3*h):w]" -set option:ht "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?h:(w/(4/3))]" -gravity center -background black -extent "%[wd]x%[ht]" OUTPUT.JPG</pre>

=Batch Letterboxing at the Windows Command Line=
This command will letterbox all JPG files in the active directory into 4:3 aspect ratio images with black borders
<pre>for %i in (*.jpg) do magick %i -set option:wd "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?(4/3*h):w]" -set option:ht "%[fx:(4/3)>(w/h)?h:(w/(4/3))]" -gravity center -background black -extent "%[wd]x%[ht]" %i</pre>


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