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Improving Your Internet Privacy

1,232 bytes added, 23:29, 23 August 2013
Lockdown Facebook, LinkedIn, & Google
==Lockdown Facebook, LinkedIn, & Google==
*The simplest way to lockdown the Privacy settings of these sites is to use the PrivacyFix addon for Firefox (or Chrome, but by now you shouldn't be using Chrome!). The point of this is to allow your friends to see your activity but restrict, as much as possible, the ability of random strangers and external companies, to view & use your information.
#Install the Addon by following the link below and clicking the Big Red Button
#After completing the steps you can keep it installed to use their "dashboard" or uninstall it. The settings you modified will persist.
===What Info Are You Uploading?===
*Typically your friends already know where you live, where you work, where you went to school. Do you really need to have this information plastered all over your page and in the database for Facebook to sell to Marketing Companies? Consider removing as much information about yourself as you feel comfortable getting rid of.
*How important is it to you that your friends know you are "currently at Starbucks!"? Using applications that have you check in with your location result in both individuals and corporations knowing your habits and routines. You can look at this from the Tin-Foil-Hat side and consider that people will be able to estimate where you are going to be in the future and what motivates you. You can also look at it on the micro-scale and consider that when you check-in at the Airport you are probably not going to be home for a few days, what a perfect time to rob your home! Consider uninstalling the Check-In type Apps and disabling the "Know Your Location" feature of Apps that have no business needing it.
*Be cognizant of what you share in your profile and on your wall. Is it important that everyone know everything there is to know about you?

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