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*(optional) Cheese Wax Brush [http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=cheese+wax+brush Amazon.com] link
*(optional) 2 qt cheap pot (wax pot) [http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Doutdoor-recreation&field-keywords=2+quart+pot&rh=i%3Aoutdoor-recreation%2Ck%3A2+quart+pot Amazon.com] link
*(optional) some kind of liner like foil, wax paper, etc
##Optionally you can wax a paper label into your cheese which is kinda cool. I tried 3 different methods shown below.
##*From left to right:
###Laying down a later layer of wax and pressing the label in.
###Laying down a layer of wax, pressing the label in, and the waxing the "border".
###Laying down the label and the waxing over the top.
##*I'll update this in the future with a note on which techniques seems to hold up the best.<br />[[File:gouda_23.jpg|600px]]
##As for clean up. You can see that a real mess was made of the board during this process. I scraped excess wax off of the board and put it back in the pot for use later. Hot water and a couple paper towels seems to do the trick to for final cleanup. It's hard to see, but the brush has a good bit of wax left in it. This should be fine as it will melt and liquefy next time you do this process. Also, the board, and even the pot, are very slightly stained pink.<br />[[File:gouda_22.jpg|600px]][[File:gouda_25.jpg|600px]]##As for the excess wax, I lined a small tuperware with foil and poured it in to let it dry into a block. Unfortunately I must have poked a hole in the foil as I pressed it into the tuperware because some wax leaked through and underneath sorta gluing the foil/wax into the tuperware. I had to warm up the bottom to get it out. Be careful with the brittle foil or use another material like wax paper. I'll put it the block in a ziplock bag for next time.<br />[[File:gouda_24.jpg|600px]]
*[http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1270920.Cheesemaking_Made_Easy Cheese Making Made Easy: 60 Delicious Varieties by Ricki & Robert Carroll]
[[Category: Bushcraft]]