***Long, Skinny, Needle Nose Pliers
***Something very sharp & pointy like a Scribe.
==Basic Information==
*If you don't know how to solder or don't have the soldering tools available you can try a cable like this [https://www.hamcity.com/store/pc/CK-3NMO-p714.htm Comet CK-3NMO] which *SHOULD* allows you to complete the install without cutting & resoldering the NMO connector. This might be a good idea anyhow as the solder was a huge pain in the ass. The large chunk of metal that is the NMO connector is a terrific heat sink... Do NOT try to solder the unit together with a wimpy little 25W or 60W Pen Iron from Radio Shack. I recommend you try to get your hands on a 130W + iron. If you decide to mount the antenna anywhere else but where I've selected you'll need more RG-58 Cable!
*There is a Draft Vent in the back of the cab on the Driver's side that is perfect for running cables to the cab!<br />[[File:Yaesu_Install_Antenna_Cable_13.jpg|400px]][[File:Yaesu_Install_Antenna_Cable_13a.jpg|266px]]
==Lessons Learned==